At Kick in the Butt Vapors, we strive to maintain the highest standards of editorial integrity and quality. We value the trust of our readers and are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints related to our content. This Editorial Complaints Policy outlines our process for handling and resolving editorial complaints.

Submitting a Complaint:

If you have a complaint about any aspect of our editorial content, including articles, reviews, or other published material, we encourage you to contact us with the following information:

  1. Your full name and contact details.
  2. Clear and specific details about the content in question, including the title, author, and publication date.
  3. A concise description of your complaint, including the specific issue(s) you are raising and the grounds for your complaint.

Please submit your complaint via email to [insert email address], clearly indicating “Editorial Complaint” in the subject line. We aim to acknowledge your complaint within [insert timeframe] and will provide you with a reference number for further correspondence.

Review and Investigation:

Upon receiving your complaint, our editorial team will review and investigate the matter. We will treat your complaint seriously and ensure a fair and unbiased assessment. The investigation may include reviewing the content, consulting relevant parties, and gathering additional information as necessary.


Once our investigation is complete, we will provide you with a response that addresses your complaint. We strive to provide a timely resolution; however, the complexity of certain cases may require additional time for a thorough investigation. Our response will include:

  1. An acknowledgment of your complaint.
  2. A summary of our findings and conclusions.
  3. Any appropriate actions or remedies that we intend to take as a result of the investigation.

If we find that an error or inaccuracy has occurred, we will take prompt action to correct the content and, where necessary, provide an update or clarification to our readers.


If you are dissatisfied with our response or believe that your complaint has not been adequately addressed, you may request a further review of your complaint. In such cases, please contact us again, providing the reasons for your escalation and any additional relevant information. Your complaint will be reviewed by a senior member of our editorial team, who will provide a final response.

External Remedies:

If you are not satisfied with our internal resolution process, you may explore external remedies available to you, such as contacting relevant industry regulatory bodies or organizations. We will provide reasonable assistance and information to facilitate such actions if required.

Confidentiality and Privacy:

We treat all complaints with strict confidentiality and will only use the information provided for the purpose of investigating and resolving the complaint. We adhere to our Privacy Policy to protect your personal information.

Review and Update:

We regularly review and update our Editorial Complaints Policy to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with industry standards. The latest version of this policy will be published on our website.

Contact Us:

If you have any questions or wish to submit an editorial complaint, please contact us at [email protected]. We appreciate your feedback and remain committed to maintaining the highest editorial standards at Kick in the Butt Vapors.